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Spiritual Hygiene

Writer: caroline mckennacaroline mckenna

Spiritual hygiene is so important your own personal energy field is a very powerful form of self-care.

Are you really as clean as you think you are? 

Your aura needs cleansing because it acts like an energy field that absorbs emotions and energies from your surroundings, including negative ones, which can build up over time and affect your overall well-being, so periodically clearing this energy is considered beneficial to maintain a positive energetic state.

Your aura naturally picks up energy from people, places, and situations around you, including negative emotions like stress, anger, or sadness. 

When your aura is cluttered with negative energy, it can manifest as feeling drained, anxious, or unfocused. 

As an energetic being having human life experiences, the residue from these experiences can remain in our energetic body. Whether we consciously realize it or not, many times, these experiences can affect us physically long after the actual experience occurred. 

Much like we would practice good hygiene by showering our physical bodies, brushing our teeth, combing our hair, and so on, it is essential to practice good energetic hygiene by clearing our chakras and aura regularly as well as keeping our energy centered and grounded. Doing so benefits our physical health and mental/emotional well-being. The following tips will assist you with attaining and maintaining a balanced energy system so that you can sparkle and shine bright!


Grounding our energy keeps us present and at the moment. It completes the energy circuit and anchors our energy to the earth below. Keeping firmly planted energetically helps prevent feelings of fuzziness or spacey-ness that can often disperse our personal energy. Being grounded will help us feel more balanced and stable.

To ground your energy, visualize your legs as tree roots growing deep into the earth. Then, visualize energy passing from the Root chakra to the center of the earth or roots sprouting from the bottom of the feet. Drinking water and staying hydrated, going barefoot, gently stomping your feet a few times, and walking outside in the grass or on the pavement are ways to ground your energy as well. Crystals, such as hematite, black tourmaline, jet, obsidian, and smoky quartz, work well, too. Not only do these crystals assist in grounding and protecting one’s energy, but they also dissolve negativity and harmonize body, mind, and spirit.

Archangel angel Sandalphon will help us keep grounded just call him in snd ask he will always be happy to help us.

 Meditation and visualizations  is very powerful as you are also locking down your auric field of protection and expanding it even further, giving yourself a larger ‘force field’ to better block parasites, Earthbounds, and entities.

There are also special guided meditations that will boost your etheric protections even further. These guided meditations usually include visualizations such as imagining oneself encased within a giant pyramid or bulletproof case for protection.

There are lots of ways to visualize protection around yourself 

I offen put myself in a platinum bubble 🫧 of protection ,

 obsidian shield force field is another favourite of mine 

Golden light of protection all around me,

Salt: Sea Salt and Himalayan salt (not Epsom salt) are very powerful for blocking and removing negative energy. You can place it along doorways and windows, in little bowls around the house, or even just sprinkled around under beds and in carpets. It’s also excellent for use in the bath or shower. You simply add it to the water or scrub your body down with it.


 It’s very important to smudge yourself and your house frequently i do this daily. You take a bundle of sage, lavender, cedar, rosemary, or other cleansing herbs, and you light one end of it. You need some sort of a heat-proof seashell, bowl or tray to catch the ash and burning embers that will fall.

 Open your doors and windows, then move from the back of your house to the front of your house, wafting the smoke in each room. Be sure to smudge the corners, wardrobes and even under beds and in cabinets. 

I always go over my cards my crystals 

Pendulums with the smoke too making sure everything is really cleansed 

If you have any new items or objects in your home, it’s good to smudge them too. Also be sure to waft the smoke towards your body too, and even get your feet and hair with the smoke. When you’re done, you can close the doors and windows.

If you cannot use smoke for whatever reason, you can always use a diffuser with essential oils like sage oil, palo santo oil, frankincense oil, etc. It works just as well.

Aura sprays 

I also like to use aura sprays to keep my energy cleansed and vibration high,

You can make them yourself or buy them 

They normally contain crystals moon water or water that's been charged with angelic reiki or Rahanni Celestial Healing 

Florida water and Essential Oils j

All mixed together made with intention and love 

 Depending what is used in them can connect us to certain angels or goddesses  

Raising the vibration of the space: If you raise the vibration of the space it makes it considerably harder for negative energies to exist in that space. You can play high-vibe music, healing frequencies in your space, you can use instruments like singing bowls,sound bar's you can place crystals around the house, etc. Black crystals such as shungite, obsidian, and black tourmaline as well as being excellent for grounding our energy they can also absorb negative energy so use them often.

 Also, be sure to cleanse and charge them frequently. 

Orgonite (crystals and metal suspended in resin) also works extremely well to raise the vibration of the space by transmuting negative energy into positive.i  recommend wearing protective crystals and orgonite as much as possible i myself always wear obsidian bracelet or carry it with me . 

Just ensure these protection tools are being cleansed and recharged regularly. You can cleanse them placing them in dirt or sea salt, and you can recharge them by placing them either in the sun or next to selenite crystals.

Or moon light

Our energy fields come in contact with so much during the day, much of this energy sticks with us, 

 remember Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transferred and transmuted 

That’s where the practice of aura cleansing with selenite one of my favorite ways to do this is with a selenite wand, 

Selenite is a crystal that absorbs negative energy. Working with selenite is  like taking a bath in pure white light. It’s the crystal equivalent to white sage. Using selenite, in my opinion, is also one of the easiest ways to clean and clear your aura. 

Selenite is extremely powerful. Not only does it remove negative energy but it promotes a cooling, calm and peaceful energy reminiscent of the qualities of the moon.

Associated with the crown chakra, selenite has the power to open, balance and align all of the chakras (the seven energy centers in the body, part of the subtle body). Selenite is even self cleaning. You can also use it to cleanse and charge your crystals,

It takes negative energy and turns it into pure light lifting and absorbing transmuting cleansing our auras and lifting and raising the energys and vibrations of our homes as well as ourselves



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