Where as Level One is considered a ‘surface’ clean, Level Two is a much deeper dive into the darkness to release and heal suppressed emotional wounds at a Soul level.
Connecting to a specific multidimensional Moon within the Pleiadean Star System, and by introducing powerful transmuting energy tuning forks, healers will be able to purify and transmute the densest of energy within the four-body system of the recipient.
Water Mastery practitioners will continue to balance the energy of fire and water within the body, although additional emphasis will be placed upon the Solar Plexus and the Sacral.
As sound and vibration are a key element of Water Mastery, included within this level is the application of Violet Flame tuning forks, a full body crystal layout and working with the keeper of the Moon Flame, Ascended Master St. Germain and the Moon Queen.
Representations of the Sun and the Moon, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene will be stepping forward to assist with the alignment and harmonisation of internal Sun and Moon. It is the re-union of hearts, of the inner alchemical marriage between the Sun and the Moon, Fire and Water.
Seraphim Barachiel will continue to over light all healing sessions and make an appearance when she feels it is necessary.
Water Mastery™ Healing System is a high vibrational, multidimensional, angelic healing system that blends sonic sound healing with angelic frequencies to formulate a unique and complete healing system.
The aim of this system is to raise the vibrational frequency of all those who experience it, which in turn, will have a direct influence on humanity. It is the healing system that brings forth truth, freedom, love and forgiveness. It enables all recipients to embrace all aspects of themselves and to unite with the God/Goddess self. Water Mastery™ is internal and external alchemy.